KYC report of PAYC
Check our KYC below.
Last updated
Check our KYC below.
Last updated
PAYC Finance – Autostaking platform. Dual Reward with Auto-Staking, Auto-Compounding & BUSD Reflection | 385’945.80% APY + 9% BUSD Telegram Twitter Visit website
We have identified the owner (our contact person) of this project and this person has completed the KYC process. Coinsult stores this information securely on 2 separate devices that are not connected to the internet.
If the project does rug pull or scam, we publish the identity of the project owner.
To owners of projects: We periodically check the projects that have passed our KYC process. If we find out about a scam or rug pull, we will disclose your identities, and file a criminal complaint against you in your country of residence.
To investors: If you think a project that has passed our KYC process is a scam or rug pull, let us know. Please also explain why you think so. Our team will review your submissions and, if true, will reveal the identity of the project owners.
People who go through the KYC process are informed if they scam or rug pull:
We will file a criminal complaint with the relevant department of their country.
We will also disclose their information.(Note: We should add that we will not disclose information such as address to avoid any witch hunt. We will only use this information to file a criminal complaint.)
If the investors listed below contact through their lawyers, all documents obtained during the KYC process will be shared.
Those who live in the same country as the scammer
Citizens of the same country as the scammer
Those who have a lawyer in the country where the scammer lives
Those who have a lawyer in the country where the scammer is a citizen